Astro Therapy strengthens your observer self and deepens your authentic self
I want to share with you how my work with clients keeps evolving. In 2002, when I had my gall
bladder removed and broke my leg three weeks later requiring a STOP, REST, REFLECT PERIOD,
I did a lot of thinking since that was all I really could do. I knew enough to understand that
contemplation, meditation, and allowing new views and ways of thinking to expand my mind to
see the bigger picture were the hot topics of the day.
Just as I was deepening my own internal work, I began doing deep therapeutic work with clients.
I was no longer satisfied to simply do a natal or progressed or natal/progressed/solar return
consultation. It had too much of a “prediction” quality to it because it is human nature to want
To know what is happening and when will it be what I want or don’t want.
This life is a cosmic class assignment. I believe in reincarnation and that each life we enter requires
growth which requires commitment which requires work. We are here to evolve. The study and
practice of astrology is evolving too. This means we must go deeper. We cannot stay on the
surface of “What’s happening?” We need to know WHY it’s happening and take responsibility for
HOW we meet our daily experiences and understand that this life of “chop wood, carry water”
has meaning, has purpose. Life without meaning and purpose is flat lined. We are asleep at
the switch and have amnesia, not able to remember who we are.
I am committed to opening each client to their unique life patterns they came in with which is
laid out exactly in your natal birth chart. They describe you, own you, drive you around and until
you learn to work with them, trust me, they work you over. I call this in depth astrology work,
Astro Therapy, A Tool for Healing. It involves working with a client once a month or once each
quarter to learn your unique life patterns and crack through obstacles that block growth. This
work has become a major power tool for transformation.
Astro Therapy is very Uranian. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and governor of astrology.
Uranus provides a breakdown to provide a breakthrough, and breaks new ground into a new you.
You focus on the exact day (or days) each month when the pattern you wish to break and heal
will occur. I will assist you to observe it so you can own it and become empowered by the pattern
that dis-empowers you. Habits have a life of their own and you have the power to change them.
This Astro Therapy session requires preparation from me to create a calendar for you for the
upcoming month and share the important days to OBSERVE. We share for half an hour how
you are experiencing the highlighted pattern, then we record for an hour. After a few sessions,
you will begin to see how your pattern is triggered by a current planetary transit (awesome!).
Fee for this service is $150.
We think our job, our career is our work. The real work is the evolutionary work we do on ourselves.
Aspire to Inspire,
Sue Wilens